














米国NHTSAの項目について興味のある方は、https://www.nhtsa.gov/document/automated-driving-systems-20-voluntary-guidanceをご参照ください。また、エンジニアリング観点での「安全」については、安全への取り組み:②自動運転の安心・安全について - Tier IV Tech Blogでご紹介しているので是非ご覧ください。



※ODD:「Operational Design Domain」の略で、「運行設計領域」と呼ばれる自動運転システムが作動する前提となる走行環境条件のことです。



  • 走行ルートを決める際、車両を走行させることなく自動走行の可否を事前に把握するため
  • 走行限界を超えている箇所について、事前の対策を行うことが出来るため
  • アセスメントの結果をドライバーやオペレータに周知することで、より安心・安全な走行を実現するため
  • アセスメントの結果を活用し、運用面でのリスクを可視化するため


  1. コースの細分化


  2. 各ロードセクションごとにユースケース定義を割当


  3. シナリオによる検証確認
  4. 各ロードセクションの評価



  5. 評価結果からリスク軽減策の検討・実施























  • 走行可能なエリアからはみ出さないこと
  • 障害物に衝突しないこと
  • 必要以上の蛇行といった不自然な挙動をしないこと





  • 道路の道幅、走行可能なエリア
  • 車両の形状
  • 車両の運動







  1. ステアを切る角度・角速度・角加速度をできる限り小さくする
  2. 道路の中央からできる限り離れないようにする


  1. 車両は数理モデルで記述された運動の法則に従って動く
  2. 車両は走行可能なエリアからはみ出さない 



車両が走行可能エリア内にいるかどうかの判定は様々な表現方法がありますが、表現の仕方によっては数理最適化問題の形式が難しくなってしまう場合があります。 そのため、Autowareではできる限り解きやすい形式で走行可能領域に関する条件を与えられるように工夫しています。











The Challenges of Making Decisions in Autonomous Driving

Autonomously controlling a car is challenging and requires solving a number of subproblems. If perception, which understands information from sensors, corresponds to the eyes or our system while control, which turns the wheel and adjusts the velocity, corresponds to the body having a physical impact on the car, then decision making is the brain. It must connect what is perceived with how the car is controlled.

In this blog post, we discuss the challenges in designing the brain of an autonomous car that can drive safely in a variety of situations. First, we introduce the scope and motivation for decision making before presenting how it is currently implemented in Autoware. We then talk about the trends observed in recent autonomous driving conferences and briefly introduce a few works that propose interesting new directions of research.


Figure 1 - Typical sense-plan-act paradigm for autonomous agents

By the way, at Tier Ⅳ, we are looking for various engineers and researchers to ensure the safety and security of autonomous driving and to realise sharing technology for safe intelligent vehicles. Anyone who is interested in joining us, please contact us from the web page below. 


Introduction to Decision Making

We spend our life making decisions, carefully weighing the pros and cons of multiple options before choosing the one we deem best. Some decisions are easy to make, while others can involve more parameters than can be considered by a single human. Many works in artificial intelligence are concerned with such difficult problems. From deciding the best path in a graph, like the famous Dijkstra or A* algorithms, to finding the best sequence of actions for an autonomous robot.

For autonomous vehicles, decision making usually deals with high level decisions and can also be called behavior planning, high-level planning, or tactical decision making. These high level decisions will then be used by a motion planner to create the trajectory to be executed by the controller. Other approaches consider planning as a whole, directly outputting the trajectory to execute. Finally, end-to-end approaches attempt to perform all functions in a single module by using machine learning techniques trained directly on sensor inputs. While planning is one of the functions handled by end-to-end techniques, we will not discuss them in this blog post as they tend to make decision making indistinguishable from perception and control.

The common challenge unique to decision making systems comes from the open-endedness of the problem, even for humans. For perception, a human can easily identify the different objects in an image. For control, a human can follow a trajectory without too many issues. But for decision making, two drivers might make very different decisions in the same situation and it is almost never clear what is the best decision at any given time. The goals of an autonomous car at least seem clear: reach the destination, avoid collisions, respect the regulations, and offer a comfortable ride. The challenge then comes from finding decisions that best comply with these goals. The famous “freezing robot problem” illustrates this well: once a situation becomes too complex, not doing anything becomes the only safe decision to make and the robot “freezes”. Similarly, the best way for a car to avoid collisions is not to drive. A decision system must thus often deal with conflicting goals. Challenges also arise from uncertainties in the perception and in the other agents. Sensors are not perfect and perception systems can make mistakes, which needs to be carefully taken into account as making decisions based on wrong information can have catastrophic consequences. Moreover, cars or pedestrians around the autonomous vehicle can act in unpredictable ways, adding to the uncertainty. Dedicated prediction modules are sometimes used and focus on generating predictions for other agents. The final challenge we want to mention here comes from dealing with occluded space. It is common while driving not to be able to perfectly perceive the space around the car, especially in urban areas. We might be navigating small streets with sharp corners or obstacles might be blocking the view (parked trucks for example), potentially hiding an incoming vehicle.


Figure 2 - Standard autonomous driving architecture

Schwarting, Wilko, Javier Alonso-Mora, and Daniela Rus. "Planning and decision-making for autonomous vehicles." Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems (2018)

To summarize, we are concerned with the problem of making decisions on the actions of the car based on perceptions from sensors and the main challenging points are:

  • conflicting goals that require trade-offs;
  • uncertainties from perception, localization, and from the other agents;
  • occluded parts of the environment.

In the rest of this post we will try to introduce methods to make decisions and to tackle the aforementioned challenges.

Decision Making in Autoware


Figure 3 - Autoware architecture

Autoware is an open source project providing a full stack software platform for autonomous driving including modules for perception, control and decision making. In the spirit of open source, its architecture is made to have each function be an independent module, making it easy to add, remove, or modify functionalities based on everyone’s own needs.

In this architecture, decision making occurs at two stages. At the Planning stage, various planning algorithms such as A* or the Model Predictive Control are used to plan and modify trajectories. Before that, at the Decision stage, the output of perception modules is used to select which planning algorithms to use for the current situation. For example, it can be decided that the car should perform a parking maneuver, in which case a specific parking module will be used (Motion Planning Under Various Constraints - Autonomous Parking Case - Tier IV Tech Blog). This Decision stage is implemented using a Finite State Machine (FSM), a common model used in rule-based systems. A state machine is basically a graph representing possible states of the system as nodes and the conditions to transition between these states as edges. State machines are easily designed by humans and offer decisions that are easy to understand and explain, which is very desirable in autonomous driving systems.

While the decision and planning modules of Autoware offer state-of-the-art driving in nominal cases, they are not well suited to deal with uncertainties or occluded space. There are no classical approaches to deal with these challenges but they are studied by a lot of ongoing research, which we will discuss in the next part.

Current Trends

We now introduce some of the most popular approaches for decision making seen in recent autonomous driving conferences (the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium and the International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems).

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is an application of deep neural networks to the Reinforcement Learning framework where the goal is to learn what action works best at each state of the system, corresponding to a policy Π(s) = a representing the decision a to take at state s. This usually requires learning a function Q(s,a) which estimates the reward we can obtain when performing action a at state s. In simple environments, this function can be computed by completely exploring the search space but when the state and action spaces become too large, like in autonomous driving problems, more advanced techniques must be used. DRL leverages the power of deep neural networks to approximate the function Q(s,a), allowing the use of RL in very complex situations. This requires training on a large number of example situations, which are usually obtained using a simulator. The biggest issue with using these techniques on real vehicles is the difficulty to guarantee the safety of the resulting policy Π(s). With large state spaces, it is difficult to ensure that there does not exist a state where the policy will take an unsafe action.

Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) is an optimization technique which maximizes a linear function of variables that are under some constraints. Some of these variables must be restricted to integer values (e.g., 0 or 1) and can be used to represent decisions (e.g., whether a lane change is performed or not). The problem of an autonomous vehicle following a route can be represented with MIP by including considerations like collisions and rules of the road as constraints. Using commonly available solvers, the problem can then be solved for an optimal solution, corresponding to the best values to assign to the variables while satisfying the constraints. Many approaches applying MIP to autonomous driving have been proposed and while they can solve many complex situations, they cannot handle uncertain or partial information and require accurate models of the agents and of the environment, making them difficult to apply to real-life situations.

Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is an algorithm from game-theory which is used to model multiplayer games. It is most famous for being used in AlphaGo, the first program able to defeat a human professional at the game of Go. The MCTS algorithm assumes a turn-based game where agents act in succession and builds a tree where each node is a state and where a child is the expected result from an action. If complete, the tree represents the whole space of possible future states of the game. Because building a complete tree is impossible for most real problems, algorithms use trial-and-error, similar to reinforcement learning, to perform sequences of actions before simulating the resulting outcome. This approach has the advantage of considering the actions of other agents in relation to our own decisions, making it useful in collaborative scenarios where the autonomous vehicle must negotiate with other vehicles (e.g., in highway merges). The main issue with MCTS is their computational complexity. As the tree must be sufficiently explored in order to confidently choose actions, it can be hard to use in real-time situations.

In the next section, we will present some recent works related to each of these trends.

Interesting Works

Graph Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning for Behavior Generation in Semantic Environments

Patrick Hart(1) and Alois Knoll(2)

1- fortiss GmbH, An-Institut Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany.

2- Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany.

IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (2020) https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.12576 


Figure 4 - Vehicles of a scene represented as a graph

An issue with reinforcement learning is that their input is usually a vector of fixed size. This causes issues when tackling situations with varying numbers of other agents. This paper proposes to use Graphic Neural Networks (GNNs) to learn the policy of a reinforcement learning problem. GNNs are a neural network architecture that uses graphs as inputs instead of vectors, offering a solution that is more flexible and more general than previous works.

The graph used in this paper represents vehicles with the nodes containing state information (coordinates and velocities) and the edges containing the distance between two vehicles. Experiments on a highway lane change scenario are used to compare the use of GNNs against the use of traditional neural networks. It shows that while results are similar in situations close to the ones used at training time, the use of GNNs generalizes much better to variations in the input without a significant loss of performance.

Autonomous Vehicle Decision-Making and Monitoring based on Signal Temporal Logic and Mixed-Integer Programming

Yunus Emre Sahin, Rien Quirynen, and Stefano Di Cairano


American Control Conference (2020) https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2020-095


Figure 5 - (a) modules targeted by this work  (b) illustration of the MIP solution space

This work uses Mixed-Integer Programming to represent the problem of finding intermediate waypoints along a given route. The interesting parts of this work are its use of Signal Temporal Logic (STL) to represent some of the constraints, and a monitoring system that can identify if the environment changes in ways that deviate from the models used.

Temporal Logic is a language used to write rules which include some time information. In this work for example, intersections are regulated by a first-in-first-out rule, which in STL is written as f:id:mclement:20210323100344p:plain, which means “the car must not be at the intersection until it is clear”. The paper proposes an efficient way to encode STL rules as constraints, reducing the solution space of the problem (like in Figure 5b) and ensuring that they are satisfied by the solution of the MIP.

The paper tackles a simulated scenario with intersections and curved roads and shows that their solution can navigate a number of situations in real-time. They also show that their monitoring system can correctly detect unexpected changes in the environment, for example when another vehicle suddenly brakes. It is then possible to fall back to another algorithm or to solve the MIP problem again but with the new information added. This alleviates the main issue of MIP which is to depend on very good models of the environment as it is now possible to detect when these models make a mistake.

Accelerating Cooperative Planning for Automated Vehicles with Learned Heuristics and Monte Carlo Tree Search

Karl Kurzer(1), Marcus Fechner(1), and J. Marius Zöllner(1,2)

1- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

2- FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (2020) https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.00497


Figure 6 - (a) Use of the Gaussian mixture to select actions in the MCTS (b) Gaussian mixture

(b) taken from https://angusturner.github.io/generative_models/2017/11/03/pytorch-gaussian-mixture-model.html

As discussed in the previous section, MCTS are great to model interactions with other agents but are very hard to sufficiently explore. In order to make exploring the tree more efficient, this paper learns Gaussian mixture models that associate each state (i.e., node of the MCTS) some probabilities on the action space. These probabilities are used to guide the exploration of the tree.

A Gaussian mixture is a combination of several Gaussian probability distributions, allowing multiple peaks with different means and covariances (Figure 6b). In this paper, the actions modeled by these probabilities are pairs of changes in longitudinal velocity and in lateral position. This means that for a given state, the mixture must contain as many peaks as there are possible maneuvers such that their mean will correspond to the typical trajectory for that maneuver. On the highway for example, mixtures with 2 components can be used to learn the 2 typical maneuvers of keeping or changing lanes (Figure 6a).

This technique is interesting to make the exploration faster but the experiments of the paper do not show any performance improvements once enough exploring time is given. Having to fix the number of components can also be an issue when trying to generalize to various situations.


Decision making for autonomous driving remains a very important topic of research with many exciting directions currently being investigated.

Researchers and engineers at Tier IV are working to bring the results of this progress to Autoware as well as to develop new techniques to help make autonomous driving safer and smarter.




今回はその一環でIntelRSS(Responsibility Sensitive Safety)という安全評価基準のライブラリを読み解きましたのでその中身について解説したいと思います。

また、ティアフォーでは「自動運転の民主化」をともに実現していく、Simulation EngineerやSafety Engineerを募集しています。



 Intel RSSとは?


Intel RSSIntel (Mobileye) が提唱している自動運転車両の安全性を評価する基準です。評価基準の詳細な計算ロジックが記述されている論文はarXivにおいて公開されております。



RSSはHD Mapと周囲のオブジェクトの動きから、自動運転車が取ってよい動作コマンド(縦方向、横方向加速度)の範囲を計算します。

公道において自動運転車両が出会う状況を数式で表現することで自動運転車両が取った行動の危険度を数値化することが可能になります。この機能は「この危険な状況は道路上にいる誰のせいで発生したのか」を表現することができるため、公道走行ログから危険なシナリオを抽出したり、様々なパラメータで実行されたSimulation Testの結果を分析するのに使うことができます。


下の動画(CARLA 0.9.10のNew Feature紹介動画)においては実際にRSSに基づいて計算された制御入力を使ってUnstructuredな環境での障害物回避が行われています。
















  • 複数のマップバージョンをサポート(Map Integration)
  • 構造化されていない道路や歩道も扱える
  • 複数車線の道路、すなわち縦方向および横方向の安全距離と適切な対応の決定
  • 交差点、つまり、異なるジオメトリの2つ以上のルート、ルートの交差点のルール、優先権/通行権、および縦方向と横方向の適切な応答の決定


  • オクルージョンの考慮
  • 回避動作を生成するロジック
  • 横方向の衝突がない交差点の対応


ad-rss-libはC++とCMakeで書かれており、PythonのC APIを使用してPython Bindingsも製作されています。







├── CMakeLists.txt
├── doc
├── generated
├── gtest-cmake.txt.in
├── impl

│   ├── ad_rss.cmake
│   ├── include
│   ├── src

│   │   ├── core
│   │   ├── situation
│   │   ├── unstructured
│   │   └── world
│   └── test
└── python






  • core : 下に記したディレクトリ群の中の関数を使うための関数群を収録
  • situation:各situationにおいて実行されるロジックを収録
  • unstructured:構造化されていないシーンでのロジックを収録
  • world:レーン座標系への変換や現在のsituationの認識等のロジックを収録





PythonディレクトリにはPythonのC APIを利用してPythonからad-rss-libのロジックをラップして使えるようにするための関数が入っています。




├── CMakeLists.txt
├── doc
├── generated
├── impl
└── python


implにはRSSの内部で使われているHD Mapに関連するコードが収録されています。












  1. 認識系からきた情報とHD Mapの情報を合わせてWorld Modelを構築
  2. World Modelから現在のSituationを判断
  3. RSSの計算式に基づいて適切な応答を計算
  4. 実際の制御入力における適切な応答を計算
  5. 安全な車間距離を取っているかを評価



CARLAにおいてはRSS SensorとRSS Restrictorの2種類のIntegrationがされています。




RSS Sensor

RSS Sensorは自車両の制御コマンドがRSSの基準を満たしているかをチェックするセンサーです。

  1. SimulatorのAPIを使用してActorの一覧を取得
  2. RSSに基づいて適切な制御コマンドの範囲を計算、その値に自車両の入力が入っているかを確認



CARLAのver 9.10.0からはUnstructuredな環境での実行もサポートされており、市街地環境における本格的なSimulationの実現に向けて着々と進んでいる様子が見て取れます。


RSS Restrictor

RSS RestrictorはRSSのメトリクスを使い、NPC車両にその場面において危険な状況をうむ制御入力を入れないようにするためのモジュールです。



この関数はPythonから呼び出せるようになっており、CARLAのPython APIで呼び出すことによってNPCが適切に振る舞うことができるようになるようです。







また、ティアフォーでは「自動運転の民主化」をともに実現していく、学生パートタイムエンジニアを常時募集しています。自動運転を実現するためには、Softwareに関してはOSからMiddlewareそしてApplicationに至るまで、Hardwareに関してはSensorからECUそして車両に至るまで異なるスキルを持つ様々な人々が不可欠です。もしご興味があれば以下のページからコンタクトいただければと思います。 https://tier4.jp/careers/tier4.jp


この記事の主題は、楽に「動的ライブラリ(及び実行バイナリ)の特定の関数をフックして何かしらの処理をする」( ≒ ソースコードを改変したりビルドしなおしたりしない) ことです。

ティアフォーを中心として開発されているAutowareは、ROS (Robot Operating System) という通信ミドルウェアに依存しています。今回はAutowareの性能解析という業務を進める上で、ROS1内部の特定区間の処理時間(実時間)を計測したくなり、上記目的を達成する手段を用意することになりました。

手段としては、eBPF(extended Berkeley Packet Filter) を利用した方法と、LD_PRELOADを利用した方法の2種類を紹介します。


まず、eBPFとは何かについて説明します。 eBPFとは、Linux kernel内部で実行される独自の命令セットを持つ仮想マシンにおいて、ユーザ空間から実行プログラムを送り込み、指定したevent (下図におけるkprobes, uprobes, tracepoints, perf_events に対応)にフックするなどして実行することができる機能のことです。

eBPFのユーザは、BPF bytecodeをbpf(2)によってkernelに送りこみ、安全なコードであるかのverifyとコンパイル/実行をkernelが行います。eBPFのユーザがBPF bytecodeを直接書くのは稀で、通常はC言語likeな高級言語で記述することができます。eBPFのユーザプログラムとのデータのやりとりは、“maps” と呼ばれるデータ構造を通して容易に行うようになっています。

eBPF internal (http://www.brendangregg.com/ebpf.html より引用)


uprobesにフックしてeBPFのコードを実行するためのAPIなどについては、iovisor/bccリポジトリにおいてある bcc Reference Guide を見ればよいです。今回は、ユーザコードの関数の開始地点にフックを仕込む attach_uprobe() を利用します。

例として、ROS1内部の ros::Publication::publish(ros::SerializedMessage const&) をフックして文字列をprintするだけのコードを示します。

from __future__ import print_function
from bcc import BPF

libroscpp_path = "/path/to/libroscpp.so"

bpf_text = """
#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>

int publish(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
    uint64_t pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
    bpf_trace_printk("publish() called: msg addr - %p :pid/tid %d", (void *)ctx->di, pid);
    return 0;

b = BPF(text=bpf_text)

while 1:
        (task, pid, cpu, flags, ts, msg) = b.trace_fields()
    except ValueError:
    print("%s" % msg)

以上のスクリプトを実行することにより、libroscpp.so を動的リンクして実行されている全てのROS1プログラムにおける、指定した関数をフックすることができます。

ところで、libroscpp.soはC++によって書かれたライブラリなので、関数名がマングリングされており (上のコードにおけるattach_uprobe()の第二引数に渡している “_ZN3ros11Publication7publishERNS_17SerializedMessageE”)、面倒なことにビルド済みのバイナリからマングリングされた関数名を調べなくてはなりません。

# Get offset address of the specified function
$ nm -D  /path/to/binary_file | c++filt | grep <function_name>
# Get the mangled function name
$ nm -D /path/to/binary_file | grep <offset>


関数にフックしてeBPFのコードを実行する際には、毎回ユーザ空間からカーネル空間へのコンテキストスイッチが生じるため、高い頻度で呼ばれる関数のフックに対して無視できないオーバーヘッドが生じてしまうという点です(eBPFはkprobesに対するフックやkernel eventなどの、kernel空間で発生するイベントに対するフックに適している選択肢と言えます)。



LD_PRELOADとは、/lib/ld-linux.so.2 の動作を制御する環境変数の一つであり、環境変数LD_PRELOADに共有オブジェクトを指定して実行することによって先にLD_PRELOADで指定した共有オブジェクトがリンクされます。


さて、今回実現したいのは「特定の関数の開始時にフックして、ある処理を挟む」ことなので、LD_PRELOADで置き換えた関数の実行後に元の関数に処理を戻します。これを実現する方法はいくつかありますが、一番簡単な方法はRTLD_NEXTハンドルを引数に指定して、dlsym(3)を呼びだすことです (LD_PRELOADで置き換えた後の関数内でその関数を呼び出しても、置き換えた後の関数を再帰的に呼びだすだけなので無限ループしてしまいます)。

RTLD_NEXTハンドルとはGNU拡張による特殊なハンドルであり、現在の共有オブジェクトの次の共有オブジェクト以降で発見されるシンボルの値を取ってきます。つまり今回の場合では、LD_PRELOADで置き換える前の本来の共有ライブラリにて定義されている関数のシンボルを取ってくることができます。ちなみにRTLD_NEXTハンドルを利用するためには、GNU拡張を有効にするためにdlfcn.h をincludeする前に #define _GNU_SOURCE する必要があります。

さて、eBPFを使用したときと同様にros::Publication::publish(ros::SerializedMessage const&) が呼び出された際にフックして特定の処理を挟むことをしてみます。以下のコードを共有ライブラリとしてコンパイルし、LD_PRELOADに指定しつつROS1のプログラムを実行します。

#define _GNU_SOURCE

using publish_type = bool (*)(void* ,void*);

extern "C" bool _ZN3ros11Publication7publishERNS_17SerializedMessageE(void *p, void *q) {
  void *orig_pub = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN3ros11Publication7publishERNS_17SerializedMessageE");
  std::cout << "call detect: publish 1st arg: " << p << " 2nd arg: " << q << std::endl;
  return ((publish_type)orig_pub)(p,q);

マングリングされたそれぞれの関数を再定義し (マングリングされた関数名を調べる方法は前章のとおり)、再定義した関数の内部から dlsym(3)にRTLD_NEXTハンドルを渡して元の関数のシンボルを取得し、その元の関数を呼びだしています。































透過度 深度バッファ アルファブレンディング
0.9998以上 有効 (前後関係が正しく表示される) 無効 (上書きする)
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Display Plugin


  • Arrow
  • Axes
  • BillboardLine
  • Line
  • PointCloud
  • Shape


  1. 親となるSceneNodeから新しいSceneNodeを作成する
  2. ManualObjectを作成して新しいSceneNodeに関連付ける
  3. Materialを作成する
  4. Materialを使用してManualObjectの描画関数一式を実行する

 Panel Plugin


個人的にはrvizと同じウィンドウでまとめて情報を表示できるのがメリットだと思っています。特段rviz固有の機能を使うわけではないのですが、使用頻度の高いデータを表示しておけば別途端末を立ち上げてrostopic echoする手間が省けます(rqtにもtopicを表示するpluginがありますが、自作する場合は最小限の情報を適切に配置できるのが強み)。このような感じでQGridLayoutとQLabelを組み合わせ、簡単に情報表示を行うpluginを作ってみたのですが、これだけでもかなり印象が変わってくるのではないでしょうか。




Tool Plugin

Toolはrviz上部に配置され、主に中央の3D画面を使った操作を作成できます。その性質上マウスとキーボードのイベントを処理するためのコールバック関数が提供されていて、素晴らしいことにマウスの座標と任意の平面の交点を計算する関数(getPointOnPlaneFromWindowXY)まで用意されています。もちろん、rvizにはInteractive Markerが用意されているので基本的にこちらを使えば良いのですが、例えば点群を任意の場所に出して障害物検知のテストを行いたい場合に便利だったりします。 






Motion Planning Under Various Constraints - Autonomous Parking Case

Introduction to the Motion Planning

Autonomous vehicles (robots, agents) are requested to move around in an environment, executing complex, safe maneuvers without human interference and to make thousands of decisions in a split second. How can we endow autonomous vehicles with these properties?  

By the way, at Tier Ⅳ, we are looking for various engineers and researchers to ensure the safety and security of autonomous driving and to realise sharing technology for safe intelligent vehicles. Anyone who is interested in joining us, please contact us from the web page below. 


Then, the key to answering this question is “Motion Planning”. Autonomous vehicles should be able to quickly generate motion plans and choose the best among many or the optimal plan defined by some optimization criteria. 

Motion planning modules for autonomous driving might serve for three different objectives [1]:

  • Producing a trajectory to track,
  • Producing a path to follow,
  • Producing a path and trajectory with a definite final configuration. 

In a trajectory tracking task, agents execute time-stamped commands to satisfy the spatial coordinates with the prescribed velocities. In the path tracking, only positions are tracked. 

Vehicle motion is formally defined using a couple of differential equations. These differential equations propagate the state variables such as velocities (Longitudinal and lateral velocities; Vx, Vy and Heading Rate ) in the chosen coordinate system. The resultant integral curves define the configuration space of the robots (see Figure 1.). If we are controlling robots by velocities, the motion equations are called kinematic model equations.



Figure 1. Configuration space (x, y and heading rate) for a car-like robot motion

The most difficult task in the objectives list is the last one: to generate a trajectory or a path while satisfying the endpoint configuration. We are familiar with this kind of planning tasks from our daily life. You can probably remember how frustrating it was to park a vehicle within a parking slot the first time and execute a couple of maneuvers without hitting the cars or walls around (Figure 2).



Figure 2. Parallel parking

 Why is planning with the endpoint configuration a difficult task even for cases without any obstacle in the environment?

When considering the parking maneuver, notice that a car can only move forward-backward directions. If we also turn the steering wheel, the vehicle follows a circular path. Cars cannot move in their sideway direction as it is impossible due to the fixed rear wheel orientation. On the other hand, while executing a parking maneuver, we need to be able to move the car in the sideway directions to properly park the vehicle. That is why we drive the car, backward-forward and steer to move the car’s position in parallel to the starting position (Figure 3).



Figure 3. To move the car in the sideway direction parallel to the starting configuration, we need at least two maneuvers.


In physics, the prohibited sideway directions mean zero velocity in these directions. Although there are no environmental obstacles or physical constraints in these directions, the velocity is constrained to be zero. We can not integrate these velocities to convert them to path constraints which are relatively simpler to deal with. These velocity constraints are called "non-holonomic" motion constraints.

Since we have three motion direction (x, y and heading angle) and two controls (Speed V and steering δ), these kinds of systems are called under-actuated. Non-holonomic systems are in general under-actuated. Finding a path given two configuration positions respecting the velocity constraint is difficult due to the missing control direction.

Almost five decades of research effort has been put into finding a solution for non-holonomic motion planning. There has been no general solution proposed so far to the problem. Although it is possible to move a car position in parallel with a couple of maneuvers, such as zigzagging (Figure 3), the resultant paths and trajectories are discontinuous and generally have some cusp and breakpoints.  This makes the solutions more difficult to find smooth trajectories mathematically. The nonholonomic motion planning problem becomes even more difficult when there are constraints in the environment (such as parking a vehicle in between the other vehicles).  What is more, the motion equations are usually nonlinear and nonlinear differential equations do not have a direct solution except in a few cases.

In the robotics literature, approximate solutions have been proposed. These solutions are based on the notion of local controllability and the geometry of the configuration space. In principle, a global motion between two endpoints is divided into small motion trajectories. The small motion intervals are then connected using various algorithms.

When there are no obstacles in the environment, we can use Reed & Shepp Curves (R&S Curves) to generate a direct path given two endpoints [2]. The R&S curves fit a path for the given endpoint configurations using some motion primitives; Straight (Backward-Forward), Left - Right Turns (Forward-Backward). 


A couple of examples of R&S curves are shown in the following figures [3]. 



Figure 4. Reeds and Shepp curves for two different endpoint conditions.

Even though the R&S curves produce time-optimal and pleasing curves, they cannot provide a solution when there are environmental constraints. Their use is limited to unconstrained cases. 

The most recent literature focuses on two-staged nonlinear optimization-based solutions for constrained environments.   Nonlinear Optimization (Nonlinear Programming techniques - NLP) can deal with nonlinear motion equations and constraints. However, the nonlinear optimization methods require a good feasible solution to start with. This difficulty is what diversifies the proposals in the literature. We can list these methods under four categories. These are;

  • Optimization-based (bi-level or multi-staged optimization)
  • Heuristic algorithms (particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm)
  • Sampling-based algorithms (RRT, Hybrid-A*) and, 
  • Machine learning. 

The proposed algorithms have advantages and disadvantages relative to each other. The common theme of these algorithms is having a two-stage solution that contributes to the implementation complexity.

At Tier IV, we have proposed a new algorithm for autonomous vehicle parking maneuvers inspired by an optimization method trending in the aerospace industry for designing spacecraft trajectories. The Successive Convexification Algorithm (SCvx) is capable of returning a feasible trajectory under a wide range of initial conditions, removing the need for a two stage approach, and has been proven to converge to the solution of the original nonlinear problem without compromising accuracy. In the next section, we explain what kind of problems we can encounter in the numerical solution of optimization problems, and how the successive convexification methods offer a solution to constrained nonholonomic motion planning.

Solving Nonlinear Problems by Successive Convexification Algorithms

Apart from a very demanding feasible initial solution in nonlinear programs, a design engineer can experience infeasible solution error messages raised by the solvers used in the numerical problem although the original problem is feasible. This kind of infeasibility is called artificial infeasibility. Solvers in numerical optimization have a mechanism to check beforehand whether the problem is feasible or not. The cause of infeasibility can be attributed to the results of implicit or explicit unrealistic linearization. 

Furthermore, linear functions might not have a lower bound in the search space. This could be another reason for the solvers to halt. The lack of a lower bound in a minimization problem is called “artificial unboundedness” [see 3, 4, 5 and references therein]. 

The SCvx algorithm is a kind of sequential quadratic optimization. In the sequential solutions, the nonlinear motion and constraint equations are linearized starting from an initial trajectory. Almost in all mathematical problems, one of the best strategies for the solution is to convert complex problems into a series of linear problems.

The solution of a linear problem yields a feasible trajectory which is then used as an initial trajectory for the next solution (Figure 5).


Figure 5. A nonlinear trajectory can be approximated by linear sub-problems which can be solved iteratively.

The SCvx algorithm operates in the same manner with two additional mechanisms to prevent artificial infeasibility and artificial unboundedness error messages. 

The artificial unboundedness problem is addressed by introducing a trust region that restricts the search space (Figure 6). The radius of the thrust region is adjusted by checking if our linearization reasonably approximates the nonlinear cost. If the linearization approximates the nonlinearity well enough, the radius of the trust region is increased, and vice versa.



Figure 6. Trust regions are used to restrict the search space of the optimization algorithm. The minimum or maximum is sought within the circles specified by the trust region radius.

The artificial infeasibility problem is addressed by adding a virtual force pushing all the infeasible states into a feasible region. However, the amount of virtual force we apply is penalized in the cost function with a very high weighting factor (i.e 1e5). One of the objectives is to make the contribution of the virtual force to the cost zero in the optimization. 

These two additional mechanisms to prevent artificial infeasibility and unboundedness prevent the solvers from stopping due to the numerical problems and allow the solvers to seek the solution. The SCvx algorithms have been proved to converge to the original nonlinear solution. When a solution of the linear counterpart of a nonlinear problem is equivalent, the solution is called lossless (no feasible region is removed from the problem, [5]).

How Does the Successive Convexification Algorithm (SCvx) Help in Solving the Autonomous Parking (Nonholonomic Motion Planning) Problem?

So far, we alluded that the SCvx algorithm could give us a solution for a nonlinear optimization problem by solving sequential linear sub-problems. We also emphasised a virtual force that pushes infeasible states into the feasible state-space regions, and later on, this force is driven to zero. These two properties eliminate the need for a feasible initial trajectory, therefore reducing the two-stage solutions into one. The SCvx algorithm does not require an initial feasible trajectory. This is a highly desirable property since it is generally a hard problem to come with an initial trajectory in nonlinear optimization problems.  

Although we are now closer to the solution for an autonomous parking problem, we need to overcome the other continuity issues afflicted.  When we have a look at the R&S curves, point-to-point trajectories might require forward-backward - full stop motion. The vehicle moves a bit forward, stops fully, makes a full steering turn and moves back. There are both input and output discontinuities. The solvers and optimization algorithms operate on the continuity assumption. The second issue is the discontinuities in the environmental constraints. 

Inspired by the shape of R&S curves, we divide a whole parking maneuver into a minimum of three curve sections. Most of the trajectories that the R&S method produces consists of a maximum of four or five connected curves. Dividing a whole trajectory into three sections captures most of the solution families. In this proposal, we can imagine three separate vehicles trying to reach each other similar to the situation we see in a flag race (Figure 7).



Figure 7. Three separate curve sections on which each vehicle travels.


The three separate-curve-approach  can be formulated with boundary conditions for each curve. The start and endpoint of the whole trajectory must be fixed. The curve connections (light blue circles) are the free boundary conditions for each of the curves that are needed to be connected by the optimization algorithm. In this way, we can obtain any arbitrary trajectory with cusps and breakpoints 

A solution to a nonholonomic motion planning problem without environmental constraints using the SCvx algorithm is shown in Figure 8.



Figure 8. A trajectory with two cusps solved by SCvx for an unconstrained case. The arrows with red-hats show the direction of the vehicle.

For the second issue; discontinuities in the environmental constraints, we used a state-triggered constraint formulation offered by the same authors of SCvx algorithms [5]. The authors formulate the keep-out zone for the spacecraft landing regions using the state-triggered constraints. The keep-out zone formulation resembles parking situations. In some optimization problems, we need to define the regions where  some constraints could be active or inactive. This requires logical constraints or binary decisions such that, if some conditions occur, then some constraints are activated [if the triggering “condition < 0” ⇒ constraints < 0]. In mathematical optimization theory, these kinds of logical constraints are solved by mixed integer programming which is equally as hard as nonlinear optimization. We show an example of triggering and constraint conditions in Figure 9.



Figure 9. State-triggered constraint condition for a parking lot. Here the triggering conditions are xw < - b OR xw > b. When these conditions are triggered, the vehicle’s position value in yw direction must be yw>2 meters.


As you may notice, the solutions obtained at each iteration becomes an initial trajectory for the subsequent problem and hints us the regions where the logical constraints become active or inactive.  This allows us to inject discontinuous environmental constraints when the iterated trajectory triggers the condition. 

Using the state-triggers eliminates the use of complicated collision checking algorithms and alleviates the load of the solvers.

Complete Solution for Parking Maneuvers

We applied the strategies we have mentioned to a couple of tight parking scenarios: parallel and perpendicular parking, which are shown in figures 10 and 11 respectively and with an animation in Figure 12. In these figures, we compare the SCvx solutions to the R&S curve solutions that are not aware of any constraints in the environment.


Figure 10. A parallel parking case. The vehicle starts in a random position and direction in the green shaded area and is requested to park in between two obstacles parallel to the X-axis.


Figure 11. A reverse parking case. The vehicle is requested to park perpendicular to the X-axis in between two obstacles.



Figure 12. An animation for a reverse parking maneuver.


Final Remarks

In this blog article, we summarized one of our publications presented at ITSC 2020; “Autonomous Parking by Successive Convexification and Compound State Triggers”. The detailed algorithms, equations and procedures and the related literature review and references can be found in our paper. We are planning to put the application of SCvx solutions into Autoware.


  1. Latombe, J.C., 2012. Robot motion planning (Vol. 124). Springer Science & Business Media.
  2. LaValle, S.M., 2006. Planning algorithms. Cambridge university press.
  3. Boyali, A. and Thompson, S., 2020, September. Autonomous Parking by Successive Convexification and Compound State Triggers. In 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  4. Mao, Y., Szmuk, M. and Açıkmeşe, B., 2016, December. Successive convexification of non-convex optimal control problems and its convergence properties. In 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 3636-3641). IEEE.
  5. Szmuk, M., 2019. Successive Convexification & High-Performance Feedback Control for Agile Flight (Doctoral dissertation).
